Join Our Club
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
~ Margaret Mead, anthropologist and humanitarian
We are a dynamic group of ladies dedicating our time, talent, and energy to help make Roswell and the North Fulton community a little better place. Since our beginnings, we have been creating opportunities to strengthen our membership through community support and camaraderies. This has allowed us the privileges to give back through hands on support, scholarships, and grants.
Are you looking for ways to “engage” in our community? If so, we would love to give you more information about us, invite you to one of our monthly meetings and learn more about you.
Please email us at: information@roswellwomansclub.org
Warm Regards,
Leigh Ann Buelow
Roswell Woman’s Club
2024 - 2025
Prospective Member Requirements
A Prospective member must attend at least three General meetings within twelve (12) months of the 1st meeting attended and must secure a sponsor and a co-sponsor (Active, Life, or Honorary members may sponsor/co-sponsor). A Prospective member is encouraged to participate in the current year’s fundraising events as defined by the Third Vice President. Prospective members are invited to participate in the Club’s various community projects, as needed, and Club socials. A Prospective member does not vote, serve on the Board, or hold office.
When all requirements are met for membership, the Prospective member submits a completed application along with her sponsor and co-sponsor recommendation letters. Upon Board approval by the majority vote of the Board, the new Active member pays dues at the established rate in the Standing Rules. Note: Current Club Bylaws limit Active membership to 100.
If the Club is at 100 Active members, Prospective members will be added to a waiting list for an opening. In order to remain on the waiting list, Prospective members should continue to participate in the Club and meet members by attending Club meetings and participating in Club service and social events and fundraising activities.
Membership privileges and duties become effective upon the Board’s approval as an Active member. Upon approval as an Active member, she is expected to attend a New Member Orientation session, if scheduled.
Thank you for your interest.